Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monday, February 1st, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2009 Applied Computer Applicatins

Today we will be looking at what we will be doing in Applied Computer Applications.

Today we will be talking about what is required in the class and what I expect from you. The general rules are: No gum, no food, no hats and no drink. This policy is strictly enforced! A warning will be given in the first instance. After that, I will make a notation in the grade book of non-participation and deduct points. Cell phones will be confiscated and turned over to the office after the second violation. No music or ear phones unless we are working on PowerPoint.

When you come into class, please turn on the computers. To find out what we are covering during any given class day, I should have it posted on the blog.

Assignments Due: If you are absent, please look at the day in which you were absent to see what you missed. You have the number of days you were absent to make up missed work unless you get special permission to do otherwise.

How to access today’s assignment: Go to “”.

Printers: Be familiar where your computer prints to. Do not print more than once! Any printing other than for school or this class will cost 25 cents per page.

Where to save your documents: Your documents will be saved on the fileserver for this school. That fileserver can be logged on by going to “Start”, right click on “My Computer” and click on “Map Network Drive”. You will enter in “Z:” (unless you are an upperclassman and use the “H:” drive instead). For your address, it will be \\\ and then the last two number of the year you will graduate and then your last name first, first name last (I would suggest right clicking after selecting your year and name and “copy” it. When you enter this address, it will then prompt you for your id and password. Paste in the above and then enter your student number for the password. We will be doing this a little later this week.

I wish to go over what programs are on the computer and to familiarize you with same.

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