Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dear Class:

Please open up Week 2 warmups and continue from where you left off with "Unconditional Mom". Today is the last day of "Week 2 Warmups" so you will be printing them.

Last class we printed the "Classes/Schedule" centering. I will have you create a "menu" on your own. In other words, you will create a restraunt menu using the centering techniques we used before. You will need to have at least three different enhancements, will have to have a page border, insert a picture which you will "lighten up" and it will have to employ "leaders" between columns.

For the final centering task, you will be doing a Centering Assignment and then we will be finished with centerings and moving to Tables.

Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dear Class:

Please open up your "week 2" warmup and type the handout provided with the title "Unconditional Mom" the will be either in the front or by your desks. You will type it out for 10 minutes when I call time.

We will be finishing "My Schedule" today. We will be adding a picture and adding a line using different tools. We will also look at picture manipulations.

I will be giving you a "centering" packet to do on your own. Good luck!

Mr. Green-Hite

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dear Class:

Please open "Week 2" Warmup. Add to that week by typing the handout by the desks.

We will be continuing with centerings that we had started with "Months of the Year".
From there, we will move into columns by doing a "schedule".

The schedule will cover tab setting, leaders, inserting pictures and other associated actions.

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thursday, February 18th, 2010

Dear Class:

Please open up your Week 1 warmup and type the handout by your computer. You will type the Week 1 warmup for 10 minutes. At the end of the ten minutes, I will ask you to verify that you have a 1 inch top margin and a footer. You will go to "tools", "word count", and check the number of lines you have. You will go into the document and type the number of lines you have at the bottom. Please print out and hand into the top tray that is on my desk.

We will do the quiz next. I will give you a couple of minutes to review and look at what I had posted previously. I will be "blanking" out your screens while you do the test. It consists of 26 questions. Fill out the answers and put your name at the top. When you are done, please hand it in on the top tray (on top of your warmups).

I want you to go to and take two five minute tests. At that time, I will be grading on technigue, which includes posture, fingering, hands, delete key use, slouching, feet, and looking at your hands.

Finally, we will finish the centering entitled "Months of the Year" and then move on to a centering which has two columns, a title, and subtitle. This will be "My Schedule".

Mr. Green-Hite

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday, February 15th, 2010

Dear Class:

Please open up your "week 1" warmups that are found on your server account in your warmup folder. Please type, for ten minutes, the rest of the handout that is by the computers. I will tell you when to stop.

We will finish the review of all the letter in the Lesson Review on the Lesson Tab in That will include Lesson 13 to 17 (more of the alphabet keys).

We will then proceed to keys and icons you will need to know for a test. The test will be on Thursday, February 18th, 2010.

We will be looking at centering documents for the rest of the class and how to center both vertically and horizontally.

Mr. Green-Hite

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thursday, February 10, 2010

Dear Class:

The first 10 minutes of class will consist of students opening up a blank word document and typing a handout that I will provide. You will type margin to margin and will let it "wrap around" without hitting the return key.

I will have you put in a footer with your name, the period, and the document title of "week one".

The rest of the period we will be opening up microsoft Publisher and creating a valentines card. At the end of the period, please send to me as an attachment to

Mr. Green-Hite

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear Class:

Today, we will finish the review of all the letter in the Lesson Review on the Lesson Tab in That will include Lesson 5 to 12 (more of the alphabet keys). We will then proceed to keys and icons you will need to know for a test.

We will take test number #26 under the test tab. It will be taken in the "certificate" section. When you are done, you will "Print" it by typing in your name and "Print without popup". "cancel" the actual print part. You will hit the "F14" button and then "control + v" to paste it into a word document. You will then bring up the picture toolbar by selecting the picture (if it does not appear, go to "view", "toolbars", and then activate the "Picture" toolbar. Please crop everything out but the blue border and everything within it.

You will do the test again and, again, crop. The word document will be saved and you will put a footer in it by going to "view", "header and footer", and switch to footer. Please type your 'name', then tab and type 'Period 1 or 4', and then tab and type 'timing 1'. Resave the file. Get on your e-mail account and send it to me at jgreenhite@gmail and attach the file.

Mr. Green-Hite
Mr. Green-Hite

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Dear Class:

Today we will be doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that. We will start by logging into your server account. The "link" is on the blog just prior to this one. We will do this as a class. This will also consist of document management through file folders.

I will then discuss what I will be grading on for the first part of the semester which refers to posture, keystrokes, and technique.

We will then go to and you will do the first four keys which are from the "home row". When each is complete, you will do a print screen of each and paste into a word document which you will name "namereview" that will also have your footer.

Finally, we will look at word itself.

Mr. Green-Hite

Logging onto your server account

Log on instructions link

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dear Class:

Today is a half day. We will be getting on word and looking at some of the toolbars. We will then go to and go through some of the keys there and introduce you to the approved games on it.

Mr. Green-Hite