Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dear Class:

Please open up Week 2 warmups and continue from where you left off with "Unconditional Mom". Today is the last day of "Week 2 Warmups" so you will be printing them.

Last class we printed the "Classes/Schedule" centering. I will have you create a "menu" on your own. In other words, you will create a restraunt menu using the centering techniques we used before. You will need to have at least three different enhancements, will have to have a page border, insert a picture which you will "lighten up" and it will have to employ "leaders" between columns.

For the final centering task, you will be doing a Centering Assignment and then we will be finished with centerings and moving to Tables.

Mr. Green-Hite

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